The Tryst
I cry as you say goodbye.
My toes—curled talons in the sand—
anchor the tail end of your nightshirt to the
But you slip away.
You are too strong.
Your power is legend. Now I wait…hours.
Then, I see you in the distant blush of morning.
I hear your voice.
It is to me you’re calling.
I rush to greet you.
You splash me with your kisses and lift me off
my feet.
my feet.
I tumble, laughing, falling backward
to the sand.
And you—with power replete—roll over me.
Social Network Woes
It used to be the written word
was enough for savvy agents to "get it."
And authors only needed to worry about
gallies and the final edit.
But times have changed and the social network
has usurped the agent's role to vet it,
Leaving authors to deal with FaceBook, LinkedIn
and blogs in giving their words due credit.
Capture Me!
A butterfly.
Hold me fragile
In your quest.
Hold me Captive!
A butterfly.
Wings pinned outstretched
From my breast.
Pin me!
A butterfly.
In display trays
With the rest.
Display me!
A butterfly.
In eternal rest.