Saturday, March 24, 2012


  Let's just keep putting hand guns into the hands of nit-wits and crazies and we'll have more tragedies like the assassination of young Trayvon Martin.

Let's just keep doing nothing about the Nat'l. Rifle Assoc. (NRA) lobbying our politicians and donating big, big bucks to their re-election  campaigns (Republican and Democrats, alike) and we'll never see an end to violence.

Some people just  can't repress the power surge that comes with killing another human and they should not be gifted with the means to do so.

Where's the justice?  Where's the justice for Trayvon, for his family, for the outraged.

And we call ourselves civilized?

Sunday, March 18, 2012


     The WRITE STUFF writers' conference in Allentown, Pa, this weekend was all I expected it to be. This was the second time I attended their conference. The confernce committee did a wonderful job again this year. The keynote speaker was James Scott Bell--he was spellbinding.
     The conference sessions were varied and I surely learned a lot. I felt like I had gotten an infusion of adrenalin and now I'm all juiced up to not only write but write better.

Friday, March 2, 2012


     With only two weeks to go, I've been rushing around getting everything together for the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers' Conf. I'll be attending in Allentown, Pa.

     James Scott Bell is the keynote speaker and if any of you know him and/or his work, this should be a dynamite conference. My friend, Charmaine Davis, who tweets with him, told him I was eagerly waiting to see and hear him. I wonder if I should put a sign around my neck, "Here I am James."

     I'm also looking forward to my assigned meeting with one of the litrary agents from Donald Maass' Agency. I'll be "pitching" my lastest novel to her and hoping for the best.