Sunday, March 24, 2013


Yikes!  Researching a name for my S.C.A. persona is almost as difficult as doing the research for my historical (work-in-progress) novel, Lady Mirielle's Flight.

As soon as I mentioned to my writing friends that I needed to come up with a, they all chimed in...."You already have one!"

What they were referring to was the name of the protagonist in my novel...Lady Mirielle Cartwright Fleming. I know I am not allowed to use the name "Lady" as part of my name so I thought, "Yeah! this is going to be a piece of cake." (Ooops, wrong century.). Just lose the Lady.

I authenticated the surnames Cartwright and Fleming fairly easily, but Mirielle...oh, yes, that was giving me fits. Finally, after weeks of searching, I located a Miriella (1199). If the Heralds will allow me to tweak the final a of that name to an e, I'm set. Otherwise, I'll have to settle for Miriella.

I wonder if Philippa Gregory or Bernard Cornwall have this much trouble coming up with authentic names for their fictional characters.

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